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Couple Lose Foster Care Right Over Homosexuality Stance

02/28/11 01:34 PM 

Read More: Christianity Homosexuality, Eunice Johns, Foster Care, Foster Care Gay Stance, Foster Care Homosexuality, Gay Rights, Owen Johns, World News
LONDON — A British court has ruled that a Christian couple cannot care for foster children because they disapprove of homosexuality.
Judges at London's Royal Courts of Justice ruled that laws protecting gays from discrimination take precedence over the couple's religious beliefs.
Eunice and Owen Johns, aged 62 and 65-years old, had previously fostered children in the 1990s, but what one social worker described as their "strong views" on homosexuality raised red flags with authorities in the English city of Derby when they were interviewed in 2007.
Eunice Johns said Monday that she was "extremely distressed" by the decision, which Christian groups also condemned.
But the judges ruled that Britain was "a secular state, not a theocracy."